•“On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.” Genesis 22:4
Good morning my beloved in Christ; I trust our Lord Jesus has continued to bless you and your loved ones in abundance.
It is my prayer that this new week is also one filled with His grace upon us all.
Many years ago..in 1993, I remember getting on a bus at 5am in Santa Tecla (my hometown) in El Salvador trying to get to a small and distant country town across the capital city of San Salvador, a place which had seen many fierce fighting and bloody battles during the civil war during the 80’s.
I remember that the bus dropped me off in Aguilares where I was met by a couple of my students; Ulysses and Marcelo who were going to take me on a Guerrilla Hike……which would only take “a couple of hours”
6 hours in total, my first lesson on what a couple of hours meant in Guerrilla terms).
We walked for hours up and down hills and mountains; through coffee plantations, sugar cain fields, private properties, crossing various streams and rivers, as well as walking through really tough terrain.It was an great experience that I still look back and reflect on.
When nightfall came, It was so dark that I could barely see my hand in front of me. Ulysses, my young student and guide (I was only 5 years his senior) had a small torch and an old compass which he used to navigate.
He fully trusted that it worked, I didn’t. At 12am we arrived at a small country house in the middle if nowhere.
We were greeted by Ulysses’ parents who were extremely poor but the most hospitable people I have ever met.
They had some fresh coffee (made in a bonfire), hot tortillas, red kidney beans and cream to warm our bellies.
They also had a hammock ready for me to rest my sore back and feet. (I was totally wrecked) Ulysses said to me with a typical country boy smile “Teacher Carlos, you have arrived.”
All I remember saying was:
“Thank God for that and thank God for this hammock”.
•“On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.” Genesis 22:4
Picture God sending Abraham to a place he doesn’t know.
He will only discover this place until God tells him he has arrived.
” …..I will show you.” Genesis 22.2
Women tend to understand this concept better than men.
When I ask my wife Mirna what she is going to buy at the mall she usually says:
“I don’t know, when I see it I’ll know it, then I”ll buy it.”
There are things we know of but can’t explain. We as christians have God’s anointing and we know the truth.
•“But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” 1 John 2:20
This is what happened to Abraham:
• “On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.” Genesis 22:4
Abraham found the place!!
There is nothing better than to find something which you had lost or like Ulysses said to me when we arrived at his parents house in the middle of the mountains somewhere in the depth of Aguilares:
“You Have Arrived”.
When you are out at sea, all the waters look the same, that’s when you need your GPS or at the very least a compass…with these things available you know that you will make it back to land.
If you see someone who is enthusiastic about the things that they don’t see, watch them closely.
Two things; it is either they have not taken their medication or they see things you can’t….that can be scary at times.
Why do these people become so exited about the things that are invisible? Well, they have learned to use their spiritual GPS or spiritual compass.
David defeated Goliath because he was the only man who had faith to know that he could do it; he knew that this was also a crucial time in his life.
If he had not taken this opportunity, he surely would have gone back to being a simple shepherd.
When your opportunity comes Get Up and Say “This giant is mine!” It does not matter how many people run away from it. God has given you a spiritual GPS, a spiritual compass…which is FAITH.
When you use your faith and trust fully in the Lord…He will say to you… “You have arrived”.
We all have a Spiritual Compass!
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:13-14
Please pray for our Christpoint Church Melbourne.
God Bless You All.
Carlos Corado
Jeremiah 33:3
“…Just a Simple Preacher!”
Excerpt From: Corado, Carlos / CarCor© and Biblica©, Dr. David Jeremiah Study Bible, My Light & My Salvation Devotionals®. Photo: Google® & CC’s MMDs HQ, Melbourne, Australia, “MMD 3003.2020 “CC’s Monday Morning Devotionals: “You Have No Excuse!” 2020. In Touch Ministries. Shared & reposted in Melbourne, Victoria, Focus on the family, Australia, by Carlos Corado, iBooks for IOS iPhone 8 Plus, iPad Air 2©®, YouTube. Wisdom from the Bible. Preachit.org. Church Leaders. Preachers Magazine, 31DGF, rev. Exerpts, This material may be protected by Copyright. Published by:
”...Just a Simple Preacher!”