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El Teleferico! Cable Cars!

Writer's picture: Familia Corado MerinoFamilia Corado Merino

Good morning my beloved my beloved in Christ.

I trust you are all well this morning and ready to go forth this new week, with our Heavenly Father before us.

•“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” Psalm 125:1-2

I have never been a big fan of amusement parks and the only reason I went to them was because of some of the mixed up ex-girlfriends I had in the past.

One in particular loved going to El Teleferico in El Salvador (See Pictures and youtube link).

This amusement park was fantastic; it was a mini Disneyland in the smallest country of the Americas.

The only issue (for me) was that to get there you had to go up using cable cars which travelled slowly in high altitude and were suspended in mid-air, as it was located in the pinnacle of the San Jacinto mountain.

During your trip up there in one of the cable cars you could feel the coldness of the wind due to the height….the same wind would shake and swing the cable car back and forth, whilst being able to enjoy the fantastic lanscape of San Salvador (if you had your eyes open that is).

I am quite rugged and fearless…well..until, I got on one of these cable cars (I suffer from an extreme fear of heights).

I remember once during my ascent to the pinnacle where the amusement park was, on a late night trip to see all of San Salvador and it’s beauty as well as to enjoy a dinner, rides and fireworks…there was a power outage (common in El Salvador during the rainy season)…I was left hanging there with one of these mixed up ex-girlfriends who just loved the fact that we were stuck in mid-air.

I, on the other hand had never been so devoted to prayer like I was that night and at that very moment.

The cable car would simply swing back and forth due to the sudden stop and lack of power.

It bounce up and down as the cables would also be in constant movement due to the high winds and rain, whilst I tried to stop my heart from jumping out of my chest.

We were stuck for almost 45 minutes in pitch darkness, coldness and boy was I freaking out.

Life is a bit like a cable car…you may feel like you are in mid air balancing back and forth, bouncing up and down; moments of of happiness and euphoria, moments of anguish and despair, moments of laughter and tears, moments of courage and others of fear.

There are moments where we are at the pinnacle, others where we feel like we are in abyss, moments where we are going at maximum speed and others we are standing idle.

Like the cable carts which have a specific run, we may find ourselves in a vicious circle going around in circles without a specific destiny.

It is clear that we must live life to the fullest and it is worth going through all circumstances of life; we learn many things by it as they give us some great experiences and lessons which help us not to repeat the same mistakes again.

What we should not do is to find experiences and emotions in the wrong places, more so if these things and places are just transitory which won’t lead us to anywhere.

Sometimes we don’t realize that we are gambling our life away, searching for that light in the wrong people, vices and/or material things which leave us the same or worse than before.

We may think that these things are not bad until we come to a point when we realize that perhaps we had been wrong in focusing our efforts and energy in certain things or people.

Like when I jumped on a cable cart for the first time, I had many expectations.

First that that wire would not snap, second that it would take me to the top and back without a glitch; not counting on being stuck in mid-air without electricity at 9:30pm.

It is until the full run has finished that you realize wether or not it was worth it.

Going to the Teleferico in El Salvador sure was worth every minute of it, where I can look back and say “I am glad I did that, I can now share it and use it in my “...Just a Simple Preacher!” Devotional for Monday 06.04.2020!

The important thing is to know where it is that we want to get to and what we want to achieve in our lives.

If getting to where your destiny means that you must get on a contraption like a cable car, even if this thing gives you many different types of emotions you will know that you are only a “passenger” and that these are only temporary feelings.

On the other hand, if you want to get to a specific place you know you will board transport that moves forward and takes your life to another dimension.

It may not give you the same emotions as a cable car may; but you won’t be exposed to certain dangers.

•“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” Psalm 125:1-2

We must fully trust in God, no matter what happens.

Whether we are at the pinnacle or at rock bottom, during happiness or tribulation; it does not matter.

We are on the right track, in the right vehicle with the right driver and guide, Jesus.

He will surprise us with new things each day, He will manifest Himself to us daily, He will teach us new things and allow us to experiment who He really is.

This adventures with Him cannot and will never compare to anything that we have lived up to date.

Today is the day that you need to let God change the direction of your life. He wants you to get off the cable car and to stop going around in circles in life.

He wants to open new doors for you that only He can open and no man can shut; He wants to close doors that only He can close and no man can open.

With God by our side we cannot be shaken; He promises us that He will sorround us with His Love, Mercy and Protection.

Let Jesus into your heart today. He knew that you’d be reading this Devotional today.

Allow Him into your heart, He’s knocking at your door.

Let Him in.

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